In the process of quitting smoking, many changes occur in the body. Providing psychological assistance to oneself during the adjustment period is the main task of the smoker. Simple but effective ways to control a bad habit make it easy to fight addiction. Sports, nutritional correction, pharmacological agents, the search for new hobbies, psychotherapy sessions are the basis of treatment. But like many long-term processes, breaking addiction requires planning. The schedule to quit smoking by day clearly shows what changes in the body during the cessation of cigarettes. A detailed explanation of the causes of physiological and emotional manifestations helps to obtain a positive result within a strictly defined time frame.

Why do you need a smoking calendar?
Smoking is a pathological addiction, which is based on a tendency to the rapid formation of bad habits. The psychological aspect also determines the treatment methods: it is impossible to draw up an effective therapeutic scheme without a clear plan. The non-smoker's calendar helps to achieve the objectives set on a day-to-day basis, motivating the person to empirically check the information provided. The formation of firm intentions, new and healthy habits, the satisfaction of banal curiosity, ultimately leads to a positive outcome.
A schedule to quit smoking will be helpful in all stages of nicotine cessation, from wanting to quit to maintaining a stable remission.
Preparatory stage
The body begins to experience stress as soon as the thought "It is time to quit smoking" appears: leaving the comfort zone is always accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Psychologists advise using a daily calendar for moral support. A week before the planned date of complete cessation of smoking, preparatory activities are recommended with the mandatory registration of a list of cases and notes on its implementation. This includes:
- read motivational literature;
- watch a video about the harms of smoking;
- Make a personal list of reasons why you should definitely stop using nicotine;
- determination of all the negative factors that provoke the desire to smoke: they can be stressful situations at work, lack of physical activity, presence of domestic problems, abuse of low-alcohol beverages (beer, energy drinks), close communication with people who smoke ;
- identification of all possible ways to eliminate external stimuli;
- connect relatives with the process: a request to maintain loyalty, avoid inappropriate jokes, do not smoke in the presence of a person who throws, refrain from resolving the relationship;
- Eliminate all cigarette reminders of everyday life: general cleaning, washing things, throwing away lighters, removing ashtrays.
First week
The preparatory work has been left behind, the first day of a new life has arrived. Already 20 minutes after the last smoked cigarette, there are positive changes in the work of the internal organs. In particular, blood pressure and heart rate normalize. Every hour without nicotine improves your physical condition, but it also causes you emotional distress. Understanding the causes of physiological changes helps to accept difficulties and successfully overcome the most difficult stage of adaptation: the first week without nicotine.
After 24 hours without cigarettes, carbon dioxide is completely removed from the body, the lungs become saturated with oxygen, and the risk of a heart attack is reduced. A person feels a surge of strength, there are joyful emotions based on pride in her feat. There is a false euphoria of "that simple". On a physical level, they feel slight dizziness, agitation and sleep disturbance.
The second day improves the sense of smell and taste. Nerve cells begin to repair themselves. Nicotine is partially excreted from the body. There is still a state of euphoria over the decision. The desire to smoke is minimal. But at the end of the day, irritability and nervousness appear. It becomes difficult to determine what you want right now: sleep, walk, eat?
The lack of nicotine causes increased urination, increases or, conversely, the appetite disappears, with normal physical effort dyspnea and dry cough appear. Sleep problems get worse.
By the end of the third day, the bronchial tubes relax completely, the depth and fullness of the breath improve, the volume of the lungs increases, and a surge of energy is felt. The craving for nicotine is reduced at the cellular level. Positive changes are not perceived by a person in the context of a deterioration in emotional state. Nervousness is increasing, there are frequent collapses, which are expressed in scolding towards the people around him. There is a moderate tremor (tremor) of the fingers. Intense sleep, with frequent interruptions, comparable in manifestations to insomnia.
Physically, a person feels some fatigue from constant anxiety, there is a desire for sweet, salty, spicy, all products with a pronounced taste. Against the background of inaccuracies in nutrition, heartburn, nausea and moderate abdominal pain may appear. When bending over and sudden movements, palpitations and dizziness are noted.
On the fourth day, blood circulation returns to normal. Recovery processes continue in the gastrointestinal tract and lungs, metabolism tends to the physiological norm. Intestinal peristalsis decreases, in most cases due to uncontrolled nutrition, the desire to eat constantly. The body requires high-calorie foods with bright flavors, so an ex-smoker does not have enough light snacks with fresh fruits or vegetables, the emphasis is on carbonated drinks, chips, crackers, fast food.
The emotional state during this period is characterized by lethargy, dullness of feelings. The fatigue of the first three days affects. It is natural for a person to be depressed, to feel sorry for himself over trifles, there are often tears for no reason. Sleep problems are often treated with sedatives. The imbalance causes tinnitus, increased blood pressure, hunger pangs. Edema of the face and extremities is possible.
On the fifth day of cigarette rejection, the vessels are toned, the microcracks in the tongue heal, and the restoration of bronchial cells continues. Psychological well-being is getting worse. The day is considered critical. It is during this period that 70% of smokers break down. Psychologists recommend completely limiting communication with the outside world and trying to overcome a difficult line on your own at home.
You can distract yourself with food, preferably healthy products. The taste buds have been partially restored, so the food takes on the full palette of aromas. Citrus fruits, cheeses, and meat products can really surprise you, especially if a person has suffered from a long-term addiction. The physical condition is almost normal, with the exception of a wet cough and a feeling of a lump in the throat.
The blood is partially renewed. Cells without nicotine appear in the body for the first time. There is increased production of mucus in the lungs, which causes a "wet" cough. The lack of toxic substances leads to a dysfunction of the gallbladder. Diarrhea and nausea usually appear on this day. Poor physical well-being causes negative processes in the central nervous system. A decaying mood, crying, increased irritability on the verge of aggressiveness are typical withdrawal symptoms.
Lack of a balanced diet causes tremors in the limbs, weak tics of the eyelids, and decreased appetite. The person is constantly thirsty. The feeling of a lump in the throat persists and gets worse. In the expectorant mucus, dark impurities can be observed - this is the accumulated resin in the respiratory tract.
Nicotine withdrawal is complete at the end of the week. The most difficult stage has been passed. The body can function without toxic nicotine, natural regeneration processes are triggered.
Stool disturbances, increased urination, heartburn, stomach cramps are observed. During this period, it is recommended to eat low-fat foods, the main emphasis is on fresh vegetables, not acidic fruits. It is important to drink about 2 liters of purified water at room temperature every day.
The state of a person is characterized by emptiness, an awareness of harmfulness and the meaninglessness of a habit, in which so many years have been spent. On the seventh day, it is important to prevent the development of a depressed mood. Communication with children and family will help in this matter, preferably in places where smoking is prohibited.
Second week
At the beginning of the second week, the person feels a surge of energy and pride in the work done. A good mood, backed by excellent well-being, motivates you to continue what you started. The tissues of the internal organs are saturated with oxygen due to normal blood circulation. There is a feeling of "flying". Lung function is improved by 30%. Maintaining a positive state is the main task of the second week to quit smoking.
On the eighth day of getting rid of the bad habit, the sense of smell and taste buds continue to recover. Strange odors that a person simply did not feel behind a smokescreen can cause pleasant associations and rejection, even nausea and vomiting. It is worth taking care of the microclimate in the house, creating a favorable environment, and also refraining from visiting fast food cafes, places of large crowds.
Increased appetite and knowledge of long-forgotten food flavors can trigger weight gain. It's hard to stop irritability from taking over, but it is possible with the support of your loved ones. A light meal eliminates most of the eighth day's problems: insomnia, aggression, depression, and mild stomach pain.
Subject to the conditions of a balanced diet, the function of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized. The production of enzymes in gastric juice is almost normal. Regeneration continues in the lungs and bronchi. Hematopoiesis occurs under healthy conditions. The person is experiencing difficulties with personal time, which suddenly became more. Most breakdowns of this period occur not so much from the desire to smoke, but under the influence of external factors. Drinking coffee in the morning, taking smoke breaks from work, doing housework without the usual cigarette becomes painful and boring.
The immune system participates in the recovery process. All the forces of the body are used to eliminate toxins from the lungs. Quitting smoking is perceived in a positive way, it does not provoke painful thoughts. The smell of cigarettes for the first time causes disgust, nausea. The presence of smokers is perceived aggressively. There is a desire to impose your lifestyle on everyone around you.
The wet cough with sputum continues, but in a milder form. The mucus may contain yellowish or grayish lumps that have an unpleasant odor. In such cases, it is worth being examined by an otolaryngologist and, if necessary, a course of drug treatment.
The immune system is activated in all organs. Metabolic processes are renewed, the functioning of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland improves. Against the background of hormonal activity, the appetite decreases, which leads to the removal of toxins and excess fluid from the body.
The psychological state remains unstable. There is a desire to check whether cigarettes really cause nausea. A particularly dangerous period for women is during the menstrual cycle. There is moderate headache, slight trembling of the limbs, internal tension.
The normalization of blood circulation and lymphatic flow is reflected in the appearance: the skin takes on a healthy tone, the blue under the eyes disappears, acne disappears, the pores shrink. On the part of the nervous system, a partial stabilization is observed. Intestinal peristalsis was restored. Stool and urination are normal.
The skin cells are renewed. The person is satisfied with his reflection in the mirror, visually noticing the improvement in appearance. Against the background of regeneration processes in the layers of the skin and internal organs, a slight increase in heart rate and slight dizziness can be observed. The physical condition is comparable to the feeling of love or pleasure.
Noticing clear improvements in well-being, many people perceive this period as the end of the fight against addiction. False feelings can lead to the exact opposite result: a breakdown.
The restoration of the bronchial tissue is nearing completion. The cough has stopped, it becomes easy to breathe. The yellowing of the fingers, teeth, and tongue turns pale or disappears completely. The psychological state is normal or excellent. The period is dangerous with a high probability of failure. A person is convinced of his invulnerability and the ability to quit smoking at any time.
Fighting with your desires can lead to depression, drowsiness, apathy in relation to the present and the people around you. The symptoms are quite normal and can be easily eliminated with an interesting hobby or a new occupation.
Two weeks is a turning point in the life of every person who decides to quit smoking. Enduring all physical and emotional challenges is 50% successful in breaking the habit for life.
In the first month, the foundations have been laid for the subsequent recovery of the body. A very difficult period, in which some people think that it is very easy to quit smoking, while others continue to fight addiction intensely.
2 months without cigarettes. The desire to return the ritual remains, but it has become much easier to overcome the desire.
There are remarkable improvements in the work of the pulmonary system. The cough hardly bothers the ex-smoker; With physical activity, shortness of breath and coughing spells can sometimes appear.
3 months without cigarettes. Vascular tone returns to normal: the circulatory system copes better with stress. There is an increase in appetite, an improvement in general condition. During this period, ex-smokers experience dizziness and headaches (provided there are no comorbidities).
The optimal type of exercise is walking.
4 months without cigarettes. The work of the digestive tract and the excretory system is normalized - the ex-smoker no longer has a stool disorder. The intestines fully absorb the nutrients. Stress levels are significantly reduced.
The cells of the epidermis were completely renewed, the complexion returned to normal, the skin stopped peeling. The hormonal background is restored.
5 months without cigarettes. The lungs continue to recover. The sputum discharge is minimal and has a light hue. At the end of the fifth month, regeneration processes are observed in individual liver cells.
Starting from the fifth month, there is a favorable period for the sport. Light exercise, swimming, and cycling are fine.
6 months without cigarettes. The blood is cleansed of nicotine and derivatives, saturated with oxygen. The liver continues to repair itself. Little by little, the regeneration processes will begin to accelerate.
From the side of the bronchopulmonary system, there are notable improvements. Breathing becomes free, with physical exertion, a person does not feel an acute lack of oxygen.
7 months without cigarettes. The receivers are restored. A person is better at distinguishing between tastes and smells. The psycho-emotional state stabilizes, a positive attitude prevails. Tooth enamel is significantly lighter compared to 1 month old.
8 months without cigarettes. The work of the lungs is normalized, the cough practically does not bother. Sputum excretion occurs in exceptional cases: most ex-smokers do not have such a manifestation.
9 months without cigarettes. People with COPD experience a remission, which will persist if you follow your doctor's recommendations and continue to stop smoking.
The negative associations associated with smoking have been forgotten, and health status has improved markedly.
10 months without cigarettes. Positive changes occur in the vocal cords. Dreams about smoking can be unsettling. The ex-smoker no longer perceives the use of nicotine as an important part of his life.
11 months without cigarettes. The blood vessels regain their full strength. It returns to its normal tone. The critical state is coming to an end, there is no desire at the cellular level to go back to cigarettes, but there is a dangerous desire to "test" your strength by smoking a cigarette. Strength sports are allowed, subject to a gradual increase in load.
One year without nicotine. The risk of developing myocardial infarction is reduced by half, the risk of stroke by one third, and the risk of oncological diseases of various organs is also significantly reduced. Former smokers admit that the hardest part was getting started on the process of quitting nicotine. However, millions of people on the planet have already managed to quit smoking for good!